The World Printers Forum is set to launch the Print Innovation Awards in 2018, which will thereafter be held on an annual basis, for innovations in newspapers, magazines and the print community within World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).
The competition is open to newspaper and magazine publishers as well as for advertisers or advertising agencies. Print Innovation Awards will be in two categories: the print advertising innovations and the print product innovations.
WAN-IFRA will only publish the names of award winners as Participation is confidential and participation in the Print Innovation Awards is simple, quick and affordable.
An international jury of experts will assess the projects submitted. Gold, Silver, and Bronze prizes will be awarded in each category. The Winners will be honoured on stage at WAN-IFRA World Publishing Expo in Berlin (October 9 to 11, 2018).
Print Innovation projects will be presented in a dedicated brochure later. Successful case studies will also be presented at World Printers Forum Conference 2019.
Successful projects will also receive international recognition as they will be presented on stage, in print and at international events.
The Print Innovation Awards competition focuses exclusively on print innovation. There are many media awards, but the Print Innovation Awards have a clear print focus.