The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced its 2013 creation of the Li Journalism Fellowship.
The yearly fellowship is open to news professionals who are young to mid-career journalists, with a minimum of two years reporting experience. Interested applicants should demonstrate a commitment to excellence, ethical standards and the role of press freedom in sustaining free journalism and fundamental human rights.
The fellowship venue is at the headquarters of the IPI General Secretariat in Vienna, Austria.
The annual, two-month fellowship is named after IPI Vice-Chairman Simon Li, a former assistant managing editor for The Los Angeles Times, and his wife, June Li, in recognition of their years-long support for IPI and press freedom.
The two-month fellowship which is seen as a mini – sabbatical for successful Fellows will focus on research, or other project agreed on by the Fellow and the IPI selection committee. The project must include a press freedom aspect.
IPI will provide a monthly stipend, in addition to a public transport travel pass. Fellows will be responsible for covering travel and accommodation costs associated with the fellowship. IPI will assist in the selection of housing.
IPI Executive Director, Alison Bethel McKenzie said “The fellowship in essence symbolizes a ‘passing of the torch’ of which she added that: “We hope it will help younger journalists promote the cause of press freedom.”
IPI is the world’s oldest global press freedom organization with members from leading media outlets spanning every continent.
The Deadline for application of the first round is March 20, 2013 and September 1, 2013 for the second round.
Interested applicants for more information should contact Anthony Mills, IPI Deputy Director, International Press Institute, Spiegelgasse 2/29 A-1010 Vienna, Austria or via email