NULAI Publishes FOI Manual


The Network of University Legal Aid Institutions (NULAI) has published “Street Law: Freedom of Information Manual”, a learning resource written as an instruction guide that will promote the use of the Freedom of Information Act.

This publication, supported by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) for the project “Building the Capacity of Community-based Groups for the Effective Use of Freedom of Information Act in Nigeria”, supports an earlier publication by NULAI – Freedom of Information: Handbook for Law Clinics (2015).

The manual focuses on street law education as well as provides guidance and methodologies to assist university law clinic students to teach freedom of information and its use in street law in schools and community outreach programmes.

The manual is written in simple language to allow secondary school level students and local community members educate themselves on freedom of information with little or no assistance by facilitators.

This manual, alongside other NULAI publications are available at